Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Can I be a good teacher?

We went to SK Sri Saujana today for our language art teaching's experience. It was a great experience though. I MEAN IT!But I was quite frustrated with myself. I couldn't manage to carry out the story telling activity. I couldn't control the class. I can speak clearly, accurately and fluently.Huuuu.....Can I be a good teacher? Thanks to Faris, the saviour of the day. I learned a lot from you on how to working with the tiny thoughts. Ok Hani, starting from now,
1. don't be too ambitious. See you students' level of proficiency first.
2. don't be too kind and too soft when you first enter the class. Be firm! Cause they will 'makan' you later.
3. practice your facial expression from now. Biaq pi la if people want to say you a drama queen or what...because..'SO WHAT!'
4. Don't use grammatical correct language if you are working with tiny thought who have low level of proficiency. Use words that suit their level. They will just ignore you!

**I dont care if they want to throw me ke ulu-ulu...but I dont want big cities...**
*Teacher, teacher ni xtahu ckp bhsa Melayu ke?*

What's happening to our kids nowadays? I know I should be the agent of change but .....

Tapi kan semua yang berlaku itu ada hikmahnya...Insyallah...He knows the best, aite? cheers~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour

"Earth Hour...Duhhh...Like I care"

Earth Hour vs CS a-sigh-ment = koew teow kungfu+fresh orange...hahaha

These pile of a-sigh-ment are killing softly now...
Mentally, emotionally, physically....and biologically!
What's happening now?
This is you say as so called understanding students' needs?
Does understanding means torturing?


Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am missing home so much

IMU mak
Mak, jgn mls2 buang2...u r not fully recovered yet
IMU ayah
Ayah, jgn stress2...nnti kna high blood pressure lg
IMU adik
Dilah, sila jd berani...kak xdak nk teman adik tdoq
IMU abang
Abang, jgn stress2...I know u cn do it, dont pressure urself
IMU tok
Smoga sehat selalu...nnti cik balik cik cuci tlga tok lg

I MISS them so much

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happiness vs happyness

‘Happy’ ness?
Is it hard to find them?
Accept who you are
and smile at it

Just look around you,
Look with your eyes,
See with your heart,
Insyallah they will find you.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I feel good

I feel good to have a chat with him.
Alhamdulilah he sounds better...
My prayer is always with you, Ayah.
Get well soon!
IMU so much.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jangan bersedih

Ayah, Ni sayang sangat-sangat ayah...
Ni tau, even ayah selalu act cool, mcm x ambil tau apa-apa...
Tapi ayah la ayah yang terbaik...
Ayah, be strong!
Ayah, semoga Ayah cepat sembuh...
Doa anakmu ini senantiasa mengiringimu biarpun dari jauh...
Ayah, Ni tau ayah sangat tabah...
Ayah sangat kuat...
Betapa tabah dan kuatnya ayah menjaga mak dahulu,
Ni percaya,
Ayah mampu menghadapi dugaan ini.
Insyallah kita sekeluarga akan hadapi bersama-sama.

 “Ya Haiyyum, Ya Qayyum, dengan rahmatMu daku memohon pertolongan.  
Baikilah seluruh urusanku, dan janganlah Engkau serahkan diriku ini kepadaku walaupun sekelip mata”

Walaupun perkabaran itu sedikit merentap jiwaku ini
Tenang sekali aku kali ini menerimanya...
Sangat tenang...
Belum pernah aku merasa ketenangan ini
Mungkin inilah yang dikatakan kuasa tawakal....

“Kadang-kadang kita rasa kita mampu bergantung pada kemampuan kita, 
kita rasa kita lepas..... kita tidak lepas, tapi apabila Allah yang mentaqdirkan 
untuk kita urusan kita, Masyallah...dia jadi sangat cantik” (DR. MAZA, 2009)

Manisnya dan ajaibnya kuasa tawakal, insyallah...

“Cukuplah bagi kami Allah, dan Dia lah tempat sebaik-baik urusan”(3:173)

"Janganlah engkau berdukacita, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita". (9:40)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Who do you think you are?

I have to stop it now.
Who am I to act like this?

Kita memang biasa mendengar ungkapan ‘sedangkan nabi maafkan umat, apatah lagi kita’.
Kita juga sering mendengar akan ada orang menjawab ‘itu nabi boleh la, kita manusia biasa.’

“Ni, biarlah...jgn kita dendam dgn org tu...kita doakan agar dia insaf”
Tak perlu pergi jauh...
Just ‘see’ with your heart
Even she, who is suffering nearly half dead could say that
Who are you to keep this grudge?
Who are you to take ‘that’ stand?
It just a spice of life from Him.
To teach you how to live your life meaningfully.

Ya Allah, jika ini yang terbaik baikku, Engkau izinkanlah ia berjalan dengan lancar.
Berilah aku kekuatan untuk berhadapan dengannya.
Lembutkan hatiku ini, ya Allah.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

These are what I learned today...:)

People may dance tango but you are dancing waltz.
Be different for the right reasons.
(Dr. Raja Azizah, CS, 2011)

Make it meaningful,
Then, it would be purposeful,
If not, you are bloody fool.
(Mdm Norzilah, LTP, 2011)

Could I?Insyallah...

I just embarrassed myself today. Nope. Let’s think in a positive way. 
I just made the lecture interesting, exciting and happening....hehe
Dr. L: Nur Azhani...where is Nur Azhani?
Me: (raised my hand)
Dr.L : Ok..what is the purpose of the data analysis?
Me: analyze the data!
Dr. L: (Grinned)...I know...
Me:  (Grinned)
Friends: HAHAHAHAHA....

Mun Ting: I really like your answer. (I would like to ask more why did you like it but segan la pulak...haha)
Izzy: Jawapan kau buatkan aku xmengantuk. Aku ingat aku sorg je yg blur2...Aku pon pkr cmtu juga td..(Great people think alike kn?)
Farouk:Joke for today from Hani (Hoyyehhh!Bukan senang tau...)

Today’s lessons!
~Jangan blur2 masa lectures
~Sila pay attention..tu la asyik gelak pasai 1Malaysia, 1 bathroom...kang dh kena...hehe
~Sila berfikir dgn pantas
~Kalu dah jadi cikgu nnti, jgn la duk panggil students terkejut lagu tu...bukan smua students boleh respond cmtu....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

of laugh and tears

Be careful of your words
Be careful of your steps
Be careful of your actions
All are counted.

They might laugh but they might hurt
Children are sensitive
Adults too.