Monday, September 6, 2010

Testing...testing...testing 123

Jeng jeng jeng.....akhirnya terhasil juga blogku ini

Sbnrnya dh lama dh nk tulis blog tp xdak lepas diencouraged oleh Tengku Jannah (perasan gila dgn gelaran dia neh...haha....) mlm td...maka terlahirlah blog ni..chewaah...

Thou pnh dgr ad org ckp "org yg tulis blog ni selalunya org yg lonely" (homosapien, n.d)..tah la...(i dunno whether i am categorized with that statement or not) i think myb this is a good start for me to express what's inside this heart...dr duk smpan smua benda dlm hati....nnti meletup cm volcano Krakatau..susah nnti.....byk pula kemalangan jiwa and raga nnti...hehe

Hurmmm....She messaged me this morning..telling me that she's so sorry....she's unemployed now...she might not be able to pay my money back as she promised me... (i'm used to it dear....dh mangli dh)  

I didnt say a word to's not that I was angry at is just...i have NO feeling at all... i already lost my trust in you....SORRY(buat la apa yg kau nk nk pkr...ada byk benda lg nk pkrkan) i understand when a friend of mine said to me...dia dh xrasa apa2 dh bila org buat cmtu kat i'm experiencing the same condition....sorry for xberapa nk boleh selami ur feeling when u told me bout that understand that much better

to u ...thank you for teaching me about life
to u ...thank you for teaching me about friendship
to u ...thank you for teaching me about 'trust'
to u ...thank you for teaching me how to be a strong person
to u ...thank you for teaching me how to deal with life
to u ...thank you for teaching me how to deal with people
to u ...thank you for letting me understand other's feeling as well

to u ...THANK YOU!


  1. Cayala...Kak azhani dah pandai wat blog!!!!!! Lagik canggeh dari i..meletop taw!!!! hehehe...Pasni HABESLA VIRUS2,MALWARE,CRACKER,HACKER SUMA TAKOT!!! hehehe..

    Neway..nice story...nice blog babe...hehe

  2. hehe...hup seng crackers sedap..lama dh xmkn.....

    buah cempedak dluar pagar
    amek galah tlg tunjukkn
    sy budak bru belajar
    kalu salah tlg tunjukkan

  3. sabor je la hani.. there r thousand of people, so there r thousand of "pe'el".. anggap je la we r learning new thing about trust n frenz!

  4. huu...susah nk build balik trust tu....
